Refund policy

 Full refund in case of cancellations done well in advance which is more than a week time on full booking amount.
• 10% payments will be deducted if the tour is cancelled within the week of departure/tour date on the full booking amount.
• 25% payments will be deducted if the tour is cancelled within 3 days of departure/tour date on full booking amount.
• 50% payments will be deducted if the tour is cancelled within 48 hours of the scheduled departure/tour date on full booking amount.
• 100% payments will be deducted if the tour is cancelled on the same day of departure/tour date on the full booking amount.
• The advance amount paid towards booking is not refundable in case of cancellation under any circumstances.

All Payments made online will be refunded through online banking to the same card only. No Cash refund will be made under any circumstances.
sea adventure trips

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